Posted in English5.2


  1. Read the text.

Mary went to school by bus . John went to school by car. Peter went to school on foot. Mary wore a yellow dress. John wore a green shirt. Peter wore blue trousers. They all got to school at half past eight. Mary sat at the front of the class. John sat in the middle of the class. Peter sat at the back of the class. Miss Lee came into the classroom. Mary stood up. John stood up. Peter stood up. Miss Lee said, “Sit down, please.” Mary, John and Peter sat down. The class started. At ten o’clock the class was over and the children
went to the garden. Mary ate an apple. John ate a cake. Peter ate an orange. At a quarter past ten they went back to the classroom. Miss Hall came in. They stood up. Then they sat down and went on with their classes. The children went home at one o’clock.

2. Ask and answer questions according to the model using the text
above work in pairs.

A. How did Mary go to school?
B. Mary go to school by bus
A. What did Mary wear?

B. Mary wear  a yellow dress
A. Who did come in classroom
B  Classroom come miss Lee.

A.why did the children stood up

B.because Miss Lee came.

  1. Complete the sentences. Make them interrogative and give short answers.
  1. Yesterday I wore my fovorite dress

Did I wear  my fovorite dress?

Yes I did

  1. Last night John saw a Miss Nare.

Did John see Miss Nare last night?

Yes John saw.

  1. Last night I ate a chocolate.

Did I eat a chocolate last night.

  1. Last year Mrs. Smith worked a teacher.

Did Mrs. Smith work a teacher last night.

No Mrs. Smith don’t worked teacher.

  1. Last week I went to Seoul.

Did I go to Seoul last week.

Yes I went.

  1. . Yesterday we wrote a dectation.

Did we write dectation yesterday

  1. Yesterday morning Mr. Brown came to the art class

Did yesterday morning Mr. Brown come to the art class?

No Mr. Brown don’t come.

Yesterday he cleaned classroom.

Did he clean classroom yesterday.

He don’t clean yesterday classroom.

Լրացուցիչ առաջադրանքներ:

Change the verbs in the sentences into the simple past

Usually: Yesterday:

  1. She cleans the windows.She cleaned the windows
  2. He closes the doors. He closed the doors
  3. They answer in class.They answered in class
  4. I cook the meals. I cooked the meals
  5. The children play in the garden.The children played in the garden.
  6. We write letters. we wrote letters
  7. She sings songs. She sangs songs
  8. She drinks milk. She dronks milk.
  9. He listens to the radio. He listened to the radio

Complete the sentences using the simple past.

  1. Our friends came to our house. (come)
  2. After tea they sat in the garden. (sit)
  3. We went to the cinema yesterday. (go)
  4. They had dinner at 4 o’clock. (have)
  5. The boys played in the playground. (play)
  6. Wewent to South Korea last summer. (go)
  7. They washed their windows in the morning. (wash)
  8. He wrote a letter to his friend (write).

Give negative answers to the questions

  1. Did you go to school yesterday? 5. Did she walk in the park yesterday?
  2. Did John have dinner at 4 o’clock? 6. Did Tom and Kavin play football?
  3. Did you do your homework 7. Did you get up early yesterday?
    yesterday? 8. Did Mary clean the blackboard?
  4. Did Mr. Grey sing at the concert? 9. Did the teacher close the door?

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